Welcome to our Website
It was in early 2009 that the Philippine College of Emergency Medicine
and Acute Care (PCEMAC) and the Philippine
Society of Emergency Care Physicians (PSECP)
began the process of merging into a single national
specialty society for Emergency Medicine,
with the encouragement and guidance
of the Philippine Medical Association.
A Steering Committee was organized to work
towards the merger of the PCEMAC, and after
several meetings, the Philippine College
of Emergency Medicine (PCEM) was born.
It was in early 2009 that the Philippine College of Emergency Medicine and Acute Care (PCEMAC) and the Philippine Society of Emergency Care Physicians (PSECP) began the process of merging into a single national specialty society for Emergency Medicine, with the encouragement and guidance of the Philippine Medical Association.
Updating . . .
Chair - Annual Convention

Chair - Academics Committee

Chair - Standard of Practice

Chair - Credentials and Membership

Chair - Constitution and By-Laws

Chair - Research Committee

Chair - Disaster Management and EMS