The Philippine College of Emergency Medicine (PCEM) through the Committee on Research welcomes everyone to the inaugural PCEM Virtual Visual Abstract Exhibit. With this year’s Annual Convention theme, AT THE FOREFRONT: EMERGENCY MEDICINE & PUBLIC HEALTH, the Virtual Visual Abstract Exhibit features interesting and unique cases in the fields of Emergency Medicine and Public Health.

Philippine College of Emergency Medicine Visual Abstract Exhibit 2022

Christopher G. Manalo, MD, FPCEM
Chair, Research Track 2022

The Philippine College of Emergency Medicine (PCEM) through the Committee on Research welcomes everyone to the inaugural PCEM Virtual Visual Abstract Exhibit. With this year’s Annual Convention theme, AT THE FOREFRONT: EMERGENCY MEDICINE & PUBLIC HEALTH, the Virtual Visual Abstract Exhibit features interesting and unique cases in the fields of Emergency Medicine and Public Health.

For the 2022 PCEM Research Track Activities, The College invited Emergency Medicine Fellows, Diplomates, Residents-in-Training, Emergency Department Nurses, Emergency Medical Technicians, Students, and Special Interest Groups from Emergency Medicine training and non-training hospitals, and various institutions involved in the practice of Emergency Medicine, Pre-hospital Care, and Disaster Response to submit interesting cases and case reports for presentation at the 2022 PCEM Annual Convention. A total of 56 case reports were submitted to the Committee. Case report abstracts were screened via a blind review process by the members of the Committee. Abstracts were evaluated based on scientific value, relevance to Emergency Medicine practice, technical writing, and publication potential. The blind screening process determined 20 outstanding case reports which are featured in this exhibit.

In this Virtual Visual Abstract Exhibit, exceptional Emergency Medicine cases on resuscitation, airway management, cardiac and neurologic emergencies, toxicology, environmental injuries, and emerging infectious diseases highlight the integral roles of our emergency departments as the frontier of public health and of our emergency department physicians, nurses, and allied health care professionals as agents of public health service delivery.

Visual Abstract No. 1
Visual Abstract No. 2
Visual Abstract No. 3
Visual Abstract No. 4
Visual Abstract No. 5
Visual Abstract No. 6
Visual Abstract No. 7
Visual Abstract No. 8
Visual Abstract No. 9
Visual Abstract No. 10
Visual Abstract No. 11
Visual Abstract No. 12
Visual Abstract No. 13
Visual Abstract No. 14
Visual Abstract No. 15
Visual Abstract No. 16
Visual Abstract No. 17
Visual Abstract No. 18
Visual Abstract No. 19
Visual Abstract No. 20

PCEM Committee on Research

Patrick Joseph G. Tiglao, MD, FPCEM
Committee Chair

Christopher G. Manalo, MD, FPCEM
Chair, Research Track 2022

Committee Members:
Obdin A. de Guzman, MD, FPCEM
Emmanuel L. Galor, Jr., MD, FPCEM
Irvin P. Galvan, MD, FPCEM
Arthur R. Salvador, MD, FPCEM
Dr. Christian Jerome Carreon, MD, DPBEM

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